1. Related project title :
“Smallholder Families’ Financial Inclusion Project in Albania”.”
2. Date of the clips: January 30-February 2, 2021
3. Coverage:
ATA (Albanian Telegraphic Agency- public news agency)
RTSH (Albanian Radio Television- National Public TV Channel)
“KOHA JONE” (Web & printed news media, national)
24Ore.com (Web-based news agency, national)
GAZETASI (web-based news portal, national)
Argumentum.al (web-based news portal)
americaneye.al (web-based news portal, National)
drtita.tv (web-based &TV station news portal, National)
Business Magazine (web-based business & economy portal, National)
Start News (web-based News portal, National)
Albanian Radio Television (RTSH) (Albanian Public TV Station, National)
TV Apollonia (Regional TV Station)
KOHA JONE ( daily newspaper, national, printed in Albanian)
Albanian Daily News (daily, national, printed in English)
LIBERALE ( daily newspaper, national, printed in Albanian)
FJALA ( daily newspaper, national, printed in Albanian)
4. Title : JICA Supports Establishment of ABA / One-Stop-Shop Service Center
for Small Farmers
5. Brief overview of the event/news:
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has been supporting the enhancement of
Financial Inclusion in Albania, through the implementation of the Technical Cooperation
Project, “Smallholder Families’ Financial Inclusion Project in Albania”. The Project is
implemented in cooperation with Ministry of Finance and Economy of Albania.
The primary objective of the Project is to improve financial inclusion of rural smallholder
families in Albania, by developing new financial and non-financial products and services
that flexibly respond to the needs of farmers. This is being achieved by strengthening the
capacity of the Savings and Credit Association, FED invest, which provides financial
services in rural areas of the country.
On Friday, January 29, at 12:00 hrs, a ceremony, to launch the ABA Centre took place. The
event was attended by the Vice Minister of Finance and Economy, Mr. Besart KADIA,
H.E. Mr. TAKADA Mitsuyuki, Ambassador, Embassy of Japan, and Mr. TAKEICHI Jiro,
Chief Representative of JICA Balkan Office as well as various officials of SCA FED invest.
The event was held strictly observing the protocols set forth by the Albanian Authority in
view of the COVID 19 pandemic.
During his speech, Deputy Minister Kadia noted the early cooperation between the
Albanian and Japanese Governments, while emphasizing that over the years, economic
cooperation with the Japanese Government has been felt through assistance and loans,
grants and technical cooperation, where priority is focused on support has been the
agricultural sector.
"Today is a special pleasure for me, to represent the Ministry of Finance and Economy for
the launch of one of the most important achievements of the project, the creation of an
Agro Business center set up in Lushnje. The objective of the ABA Center is to meet the
needs of every Albanian farmer in order to develop them, develop their business and build
their financial capacity and skills. I am convinced that this centre will bring to Albanian
farmers non-financial services that have not been possible before, thanks to the project
“Smallholder Families’ Financial Inclusion Project in Albania”.”but also the dedication of
the staff of this project. said Kadia.
According to him, the project is very important for Albania and the agricultural sector, not
only for the financial value which is considerable (3.5 million euros for a period of 4 (four)
years) but this project aims to be one of the instruments in support of the objectives of the
Albanian Government on improving the lives of citizens through quality and inclusive
economic growth, as well as on creating an efficient, innovative and sustainable agri-food
sector, employment, social inclusion and quality better living for residents.
Ambassador of Japan to Albania. Takada said that "It is a great pleasure for me to participate
in this opening ceremony of the ABA Centre, which is supported by the “Smallholder
Families’ Financial Inclusion Project in Albania”, funded by the Government of Japan."
"This Centre will help disseminate useful information, education on various topics and will
provide an opportunity for access to essential tools to facilitate the economic activities of
small owners. In the context of the pandemic situation that has affected the whole world,
the ABA Centre represents a useful tool for addressing some important issues that have
emerged recently, such as limited mobility and physical access to markets and products,
cooperation between entrepreneurs etc., difficulties which damaged the small economies
in Albania "- said Ambassador Takada.
While emphasizing that, "For this reason, the benefits of services that will be provided by
this important centre are multidimensional."